Friday Cello Video: Cello Fortress Demo

Like to game and have a cello playing friend?

Here’s a cool concept game that pits four players against a cello controlled opponent. The cello player’s improvisation creates obstacles for the player. It’s too weaponized for my personal gaming taste (machine guns, mines and flamethrowers, etc), I’m more of a puzzle solving, collaborative gamer but the concept is definitely amazing. Plus it features my favorite instrument, so I’m in.

Check out the demo:

[media width=”600″ height=”400″ link=””]

How does it work?

Here’s how. The cellist can choose from a number of pre-set options like “High, fast notes” or “Low Chords” to get the red enemy on screen to adopt a different tactic. The players have to work around what he’s doing, coordinating with their teammates while also listening to the music to anticipate his next move. I particularly like that there’s a special melody that clears out half of the screen. The Melody of Doom!

The game, created by Proun creator Joost van Dongen, is only playable in installations on a tour. You can find more information, including tour dates, at More at

Happy Friday!